September 19, 2024

Travelers to Thailand should be aware of the recommended vaccinations to ensure a safe and healthy trip. While typically, no compulsory vaccinations are required for tourists from the US, Britain, or Australia, it is prudent to be prepared against potential health risks.

Combined Hepatitis A and B: A combined hepatitis A and hepatitis B jab is available and recommended for those at risk of exposure to these conditions.

Rabies: Although not entirely necessary for those only visiting major cities like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, or Chiang Rai, the preventative rabies vaccine is advisable for travelers exploring more rural areas or planning to interact with animals.

COVID-19: Regarding COVID-19 vaccinations, travelers are considered fully vaccinated by the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in Thailand if they receive their second dose of a 2-dose vaccine, such as AstraZeneca or Pfizer, or a single-dose vaccine like the Janssen vaccine, at least 14 days before travel.

Other Vaccinations: The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) suggests that travelers get jabs for tetanus and hepatitis A, and possibly yellow fever, while also considering additional precautions depending on the regions they plan to visit.

If you have any questions about traveling to Thailand or are wondering what shots you may need for your trip, schedule an appointment with your local Passport Health travel medicine clinic. For severe symptoms or questions related to COVID-19 while in Thailand, contact Thai COVID-19 hotlines or visit the GOV.UK travel advice page for the latest information.

What Vaccinations Are Required for Travel to Thailand?

For comprehensive guidelines and travel health advice, refer to the Passport Health resources or the Post Office® travel insurance information. Always check the latest travel deals and packages for a stress-free holiday planning experience. Enjoy your travels to Thailand, known for its rich culture, bustling cities, and breathtaking landscapes.

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